Your friendly, one-stop shop for ALL of your golfing needs (BALLS, CLUBS, APPAREL, BAGS, CARTS, SHOES, ACCESSORIES and MORE)


ReFiner Golf Company has been doing business since 1991. Their product is a hinged golf training club with a tension adjust-ability feature. for routine calibration and challenge for the student of the game. The ReFiner Swing trainer teaches feel, is quick to remind you of an improper swing and will hinge at that precise point where the swing flaw occurs.



Picking A Golf Club With A Good Swing Weight

The swing weight of a golf club plays a very important part in the quality and movement of your swing. If you have just been playing with borrowed clubs or second-hand clubs, you probably just adapted your swing to fit with the weight of the clubs that you already have. When you go to buy new clubs, you will want to carefully consider the weight of the club. There are several ways you can determine the weight that you should go with. There is a very precise equation for getting the best club, and it involves a tradeoff. The lighter the club, the faster you can swing it. At the same time, if the club is heavier you can get more momentum into it.

Many professional golfers use weights connected to their clubs in order to build the muscles that they use in their swing. By attaching a larger weight and swinging the golf club, it has the same effect as lifting weights. The weight of the club strains the muscles in a beneficial way, and increases the overall strength. If you feel the need to put more power into your swing, then this is a great way to work out the muscles. A beginning golfer will usually feel very unnatural when making the swing, and will not be very comfortable with the motion involved. Building the muscle will make it much more natural.

The speed of your swing will largely determine the weight of the club that you will want. If you have a fairly fast swing, a light golf club will usually be a better choice since it will allow you to make all of the force of your swing as fast as you can. If you tend to have a slower swing, the added weight at the end of the golf club will be quite helpful in adding more momentum. You might overshoot the first few hits with your new club, but if you get used to it you will notice a huge benefit from the weight. However, before you buy any golf club you should always try it out for a test game. This is the best way to make sure that you are buying something that will work out for the best in the end.

If you aren't sure about what you should do to determine the golf club head weight that is optimal for you, you should probably look for advice from a seasoned golfer who will have a much more thorough knowledge of the sport than you do. You can ask your golfing buddy for some advice, your you can go to the golf club store and see if they have any words of wisdom that will help you out. Your goal is to buy the club that is perfect for your swinging style, since anything else can greatly disrupt your game. Someone with the right eye and the thorough knowledge of golf clubs will be able to help you choose this ideal club without too much of a hassle.

Picking a golf club is never easy or fast, and it is often not cheap. Keep this in mind while you are looking for the golf clubs that you want and you will not be surprised by the experience in the least. Just persevere and use as many resources as you can and you will be able to accomplish your goal.


Picking The Right Golf Club In Every Situation

When playing golf, the most important part of the game is to pick the golf club that will work well for the particular situation that you are in. Everything about the course will play a role in deciding which club you remove from your bag, and therefore it is important to know how all of these different factors work together. If you are looking to become more serious about your golf game, or you even want to become a professional, then it is a good idea to learn about these things. Here I will outline some of these main things to look for. You will get a very basic idea of how to choose a club, and hopefully you will practice enough to become even more knowledgeable at choosing them.

When you first start out the game, you usually won't have much to worry about in the way of obstacles and bends in the course, so you can stick with the larger clubs and hit the ball as far as you can. However, you want to make sure tat you are comfortable hitting the ball as hard and as far as you can without making it go completely off its desired path. Many golfers choose to take a step up with the club, then take a lower grip and hit the shot as hard as they can. Having the lower grip will allow for more control over the swing, and reduce the chance of a mistake while increasing the distance that your ball flies. This strategy may not work for you, but enough golfers use it that it might be worth trying, just to see if you are comfortable with it.

The wind also plays a huge role in deciding with what club and with what technique you will hit your shot. If the wind it coming straight at you, you will have a different technique than if it was at your back. When the wind is coming from behind you, you will want to make a completely normal swing. However, you will have to pick a more lofted club. Grip the club with the ball positioned a little bit ahead of the center than regular. Use a mid-iron, with one of the longer lengths that are available in your club bag. If the wind is coming straight at you from the front, you will have to use a stronger club and hit the ball hard enough to make up for the wind that is coming at you.

Choosing the right club in a given situation will not necessarily make your shot perfect. You will have to adjust your technique as well, and make sure that your stroke is clean and accurate. This combined with the right club will eventually make for the perfect shot, but it may take years and years of golf practice. Both the club choice and the technique take a long time to master, so besides reading information about them you should also go out and practice plenty so that you can really get it down. This will help better than any other guide that you could possibly find. If you don't have constant access to a golf course, it may be a good idea to buy a membership or even find some sort of alternative way to practice.

No matter what you do, you have to remember that golf is a game of patience. If you play every day and you see absolutely no improvement in your technique, you should not worry. Just do everything you can to find out more about what to do in certain situations, and you will find that this is the best way that you can see noticeable results in your abilities. Being good at golf is a great way to impress people, and being good at golf takes nothing more than time and experience.


Picking the Right Golf Club Shaft

If you are picking out some new golf clubs for your personal enjoyment, one of the biggest factors will be picking the right shaft. The shaft of a golf club is the metal that connects the handle to the head, and effectively holds the entire golf club together. It plays a huge role in the swing of the club. Picking the right one can have a huge effect on your whole game, but you have to consider many things when picking it. The best thing you can do is get a seasoned golfer to help you out in this matter, and try out enough golf clubs to feel confident in your choice. There are, however, a few guidelines that will always be helpful for someone picking out a golf club shaft. Pay attention to them, and you can make a wise choice when picking out your golf clubs.

The length of the shaft is definitely the factor that needs the most thought put into it. Since everyone's swing techniques and height are different, the shaft you choose will have to be tailored personally to you. One way that people determine their desired length is to measure from their navel straight down to the floor. Once you grip the club and lean over to make your stroke, you will find that the length is almost always perfect. However, if you don't lean as much as other people (or you lean further), the length will have to be altered. Just try out a few lengths before you decide on one, and you should end up being happy with the length of the golf clubs that you choose. However, that's not all.

Golf club shafts also have another factor that is specified by the manufacturer, and this is the flex of the club. If you try to bend it with your bare hands you won't notice it bending visibly, but when you swing your club it does bend in an almost imperceptible amount. This can largely affect your game, especially if you are used to using another type of club with a different amount of flex. The main thing that changes your choice of flex is the speed of your swing. Do you put all of your force and speed into a swing, or do you do it more delicately? The faster swings will probably be better off with a stiffer shaft. Club shops should be able to help you determine how much flex you need.

Most of these things can be altered by the material that the club is built out of. The two most popular materials are steel and graphite. Each one has its own unique characteristics – generally graphite is considered to be the more professional choice, but you may find that steel shafts work perfectly well for you. The steel shafts are heavier and more durable, and usually cheaper than graphite. However, graphite is perfect for those who prefer lighter clubs and higher torque ratings. The needs of a golfer can range across many different variables, but many find that their needs fall within the offerings of steel shafts.

Lots of golfers find that they are fine with simply sticking to the golf club shafts that they have learned on. However, if you are a dynamic golfer and you feel that you can improve your game by buying a shaft that is more suited to you, then you will find that it can increase your enjoyment of golf by quite a bit. The right shaft paired with the right person can work wonders. Therefore you should consider all of the factors that have been discussed here, and decide how you can use them to your benefit. With the help of expert golfers along with club store employees, you should be able to use the combined knowledge to pick out something great to replace your current clubs


The Basic Guide To Choosing Golf Clubs

Choosing a decent set of golf clubs is a very important part of maturing in the game. Therefore you should consider many different things when buying the clubs. If you have no previous experience with the selection and purchase of golf clubs, you should be glad that you have stumbled across this article. You will find out some of the most helpful advice when buying clubs, as well as general helpful information that any golfer should know. If you are very thorough in your search for the right golf clubs, you will be glad that you took the extra time and research to find out the information needed to make that choice.

Firstly you should familiarize yourself with the types of golf clubs that you need. There are 14 clubs total for each set, but they can all be categorized in the following: irons, woods, and putters. Irons are the ones that are used for very distance specific golfing work, and the distance is determined by the size and weight of the head. You are provably most familiar with these from using them on the golf course. Woods are used to achieve very large distances with a slightly lower accuracy level than irons. You will have to hit a ball a few times with a wood to get an idea of how far it will go with your stroke. Putters are used for shorter strokes, and strokes that require a higher level of accuracy than the other clubs can provide. In order for your golf club collection to be complete (or even functional within the golf game), you will need to have at least one of each of these.

If you are just getting started with golfing, then you probably won't want to buy a full golf set. It is a better idea to buy adjustable clubs that can change into different types. You may be able to change the 14 clubs into just 5 or 6. This not only means less to carry, but also that you will be able to tweak your clubs to perfection after you purchase them. This is the best way to get a feel for your needs when it comes to the specific statistics of the club. Once you have pretty much decided on certain settings, you may decide to buy golf clubs that are permanently set like that. Until then, you should be perfectly fine with adjustable clubs, especially since you are a beginner.

Graphite is something that many golfers are split on. The advocates of graphite say that it is lighter, easier to swing, and allow for more powerful strokes because of this. However, there are many who disagree with graphite and will remain steel golfers for life. They maintain that graphite clubs are unnecessarily expensive, without giving noticeable benefits. Some prefer the stiffness of steel over the comparatively flexible graphite clubs. If you have a fast stroke or you prefer to have some weight in your club, you will be fine sticking with steel clubs. After all, there's nothing better than really having a heavy club that you can feel the momentum in when you swing.

Until you are an advanced golfer, you won't have to worry about things like spin and head weight. The best thing you can do as a beginner is to familiarize yourself with all aspects of the game, and become very skilled with the equipment that you already have. Doing this will allow you to make smart choices for the future, and therefore constantly improve your golf game. Until then, just stick with what you have and master it. You will be glad in the future when you have not wasted huge amounts of money on equipment that is far more fancy and technical than you could possibly need. This is something that many golfers regret, and something that you can avoid.


Picking Golf Clubs To Complement Your Playing Technique

If you are in the market for golf clubs, you have likely heard a bunch about how choosing the right ones can affect your game in a positive manner. You have probably heard that if you don't buy the right golf clubs, you will end up playing a terrible game every time you pick them up. However, any seasoned golfer will tell you that this is not necessarily true. You don't need to spend an insane amount of money on the nicest golf clubs possible. Not only it is a waste of money, it also has almost no benefits for golfers. There are a few things that you do need to pay attention to, but other than those you have the freedom to pick golf clubs that appeal to you aesthetically, or even better, financially.

The most important thing when picking golf clubs is to get the right length. The traditional way to determine the proper length for almost any person is to measure from their navel to the ground when they are standing straight up. This is by no means the most accurate way to do it, but it should give you a ballpark range. Once you have the basic range figured out, it's a good idea to give a few clubs some good test swings and find out what feels the best as you swing it. Stick around the range that you initially figured out, but feel free to try ones that are a bit longer or a bit shorter. The more you experiment with, the more you will be able to be sure that you are really getting what you need.

One choice that you will be faced with is the choice of graphite or steel. Graphite is often marketed as though it were some sort of amazing material that automatically beats everything else on the market. The sooner you realize that this is not true, the sooner you will be able to make a good financial decision on your golf clubs. Graphite is a decent material, but in all truth it is not for everyone. Every golfer plays at his or her best with a certain amount of flex in the shaft of the golf club. Graphite allows for a different level of flex. If you are used to playing with this level, then graphite is fine. Otherwise, the stiffer steel should be fine. Steel is also more reliable and long-lasting, so you get a longer lifespan for less money.

While golfing magazines and advertisements will usually try to tell you that the new models of golf clubs are much better and more preferable, you should understand something. They are still just long sticks with a head on the end – the same as they have been for decades. You may think that buying an older or used set of golf clubs is taking the cheap and undesirable way out, but there is nothing wrong with saving some money by going with the older models. They are usually of very high quality, and will not cost you too much at all. It's very reasonable, and will pay off for you in the end. You can find used golf clubs or older models in all sorts of venues, from auctions to the internet.

The best thing to do when in the market for golf clubs is to not get caught up in the hype surrounding the top-of-the-line golf clubs. Many golfers are excited by all of the new features and functionality, and fail to recognize that the newer golf clubs have little more to offer than older ones, besides a much higher price point. So look at it objectively and consider what your money is worth, so that you can avoid wasting an unnecessary amount. When you are a more seasoned golfer, you'll be glad that you started out at the level you belong at.


Resources You Can Use For Picking Golf Clubs

Picking the right golf clubs is never easy, but it is definitely something that is worth the effort you put into it. The more time you spend researching the possibilities and trying out different golf clubs, the more satisfied you will be with the final choice that you make. So when you are going through this process, you will need to be very careful about what you choose, and what sorts of resources you use. While you can rely solely on the advice of the store worker, this is usually a bad idea and you may not get exactly what you need. Here you will find out about some of the top resources for someone looking to pick out golf clubs, as well as how you can bring them into play and take advantage of them.

If you are here, then you have most likely already discovered the ultimate source of information of any kind – the internet. You can visit guides that will help you make the choices on very specific features of the club, or you can visit the web sites of the companies who actually manufacture the clubs to find out their specifications. Just use your favorite search engine and punch in the terms that you want to search for. It's as simple as that. As you search around enough, you will most likely find a few web sites that stand out above the rest. When you find these particularly helpful websites, it is a good idea to bookmark them or remember them for future usage. Since the internet is full of just as many unreliable as reliable sites, it is good to stick with ones you are familiar with.

Golf magazines usually have entire sections dedicated to reviews of the latest golf clubs to hit the market. If you are looking at a particular brand, it could be a good idea to search through golf magazines (or their online counterparts) to find out their professional opinions on the club. You can visit the official sites of the golf magazines to search for the review, or you could even go to consumer-based web sites that will gather the reviews from many different sources. These review aggregators exist all over the internet, and are some of the best places to go (although occasionally you will find that some products are spammed by reviews either suggesting another product or unfairly promoting the product that you are already looking at). As long as you can use your own discretion to tell the difference between an advertisement and a review, you should be fine.

Another way of getting very sound advice is to get in touch with some expert or seasoned golfers. This can be accomplished in many different ways. Perhaps you know a few from the course you most frequently visit. If so, don't hesitate to ask them for advice as to which club you should choose. You will most likely find that they will be more than happy to share their knowledge with you. If you don't have anyone that you feel comfortable asking, you can visit one of the many online golf communities. There are countless forums and mailing lists dedicated to helping golfers get in touch with each other, and you should definitely take advantage of one of them.

By far the best way of choosing a product is to try it out for yourself. If you want to know if a certain golf club will work well for you, do everything you can to get it out on the range with you for a bit. Lots of stores will allow you to test clubs for a bit before you commit to buying them. If you can't find the opportunity to do this, then you might be able to find someone who already owns the clubs that you want to try. Talk to them and see if you can't borrow the clubs for a game of golf. That's the best way to find out whether you like them or not.

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